
Leveraging AI in UK Leisure Operations: A Practical Guide

Written by Guest Author | 10-Jun-2024 10:59:16

Jon is a founding team member and EMEA Sales Director of, and is from a family of fitness and leisure club owners in the North West. His passion is helping leisure operators of all shapes and sizes utilise 95% accurate predictive and generative AI tools to optimise membership sales and retention performance 52 weeks a year.

Gladstone and Keepme recently teamed up for a webinar entitled Utilise AI to Improve your Leisure Service Delivery - click on the title to watch it on-demand. Knowing we all absorb information differently, we’ve put together the following blog to include all the topics covered in the webinar, and if you’d like to know more, watch the webinar to see the accompanying demonstration.

In recent months, there has been a surge in discussions about the role of AI in the workplace. As Gladstone have highlighted, it's evident that AI is poised to play a significant role across various industries, including the leisure sector. Rather than revisiting the origins and methodologies of AI, this blog will focus on its current applications within UK leisure operations and how these can benefit your organisation.

A Brief Introduction

Since Keepme’s inception in 2018, we have expanded our reach to 16 markets globally. Initially, discussions about AI with leisure operators were challenging. However, things have changed dramatically, especially post-2020. Many sceptics have turned into believers as they witness the tangible benefits AI brings to their operations.

The Journey with AI

Our journey with AI began by addressing the practical needs of leisure operators. The pandemic accelerated AI adoption, with operators seeking solutions to unprecedented challenges. This blog aims to cut through the noise and provide clear insights into the practical applications of AI in the leisure industry.

What is Keepme?

Keepme is an advanced data intelligence platform designed to help leisure operators predict member behaviour and enhance customer engagement. Keepme functions as an early warning system, using predictive AI to identify members at risk of leaving before they are even aware of it themselves. This predictive capability also extends to sales, making it a powerful tool for managing the entire member lifecycle.

The Need for AI in Leisure

Leisure operators face several common challenges, which AI can help address:
  1. Funding Constraints: Operators need to demonstrate that any digital transformation will deliver more with less.
  2. Staffing Issues: Post-pandemic, many teams are smaller and could utilise AI to handle repetitive tasks such as following up with sales leads and monitoring member adherence.
  3. Competition: Competing with private sector operators who have extensive CRM functions and data science teams can be tough. AI provides an off-the-shelf solution that levels the playing field.

Practical Applications of AI

Here are three key ways leisure operators are leveraging Keepme to achieve meaningful results:

1. Predictive Machine Learning: Keepme uses machine learning to build a predictive model with over 95% accuracy. By analyzing data from Gladstone and other sources, Keepme identifies at-risk members and potential sales opportunities. This allows operators to intervene proactively and improve retention rates.

The data held within Gladstone is an often vastly underutilised resource. Keepme's predictive machine learning models can quickly analyse this data to identify trends and risks, providing actionable insights with remarkable accuracy. Within a few weeks, operators can start leveraging these insights without requiring advanced technical capabilities or data scientists on their end. The system is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for operators to get up and running swiftly.

2. Content Creation with AI: Large language models, like those used in ChatGPT, have democratised content creation. Keepme leverages these models to generate content in your brand's voice, helping to communicate critical messages quickly and effectively. This is especially useful for stretched marketing teams.

One of the major advancements in the last 12 months is the widespread adoption of generative AI. Keepme uses large language models trained on your brand's voice, enabling the swift creation of personalised, on-brand communication. This can significantly enhance member engagement by delivering timely, relevant messages. For example, operators can automate intervention emails to at-risk members, offering support and information about new programmes and timetable additions, thereby reducing churn and increasing member satisfaction.

3. Automation: AI-driven automation frees up staff to focus on more valuable tasks. By systemising communication based on member behaviour and preferences, Keepme ensures that no two member journeys are the same. This personalised approach enhances member engagement and loyalty.

Automation in Keepme is designed to handle routine tasks, ensuring consistency and efficiency. For instance, automated follow-ups with sales leads, targeted communications based on member behaviour, and personalised engagement strategies help maintain a high level of service without overburdening the staff. This not only improves operational efficiency but also allows staff to focus on high-value interactions, ultimately leading to better member retention and satisfaction.

Case Study: BH Live Active

BH Live Active, a charitable operator on the south coast, serves as a prime example of AI in action. By integrating Keepme, they have managed to handle sales leads more effectively, resulting in improved lead-to-sale conversion rates. The removal of a variety of arduous tasks thanks to Keepme has netted them an impressive saving of around 40 hours of admin work per team member each month.

BH Live Active’s journey with Keepme illustrates the potential of AI to transform operations. The automation of routine tasks has not only improved efficiency but also allowed staff to focus on creating meaningful member interactions. This holistic approach has resulted in significant time savings and a more personalised member experience. Check out the full case study.

Implementation Requirements

Implementing AI with Keepme involves integrating with your existing systems. For sales, there is no need for an API or heavy integration. A simple list of inquiries and historical data is sufficient. For retention, Keepme requires access to basic data fields and six months of historical data. This allows the system to achieve high accuracy in its predictions.

Keepme is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack. For sales functions, the system requires minimal setup, allowing you to start seeing benefits quickly. For retention purposes, accessing basic data fields like membership type, check-in history, and other engagement metrics enables Keepme to build accurate predictive models. Providing six months of historical data helps the system learn and adapt to your specific operational needs.

Last Word - AI in Leisure

AI is transforming the leisure industry by addressing key challenges and enhancing operational efficiency. Keepme provides a practical, scalable solution that leverages predictive AI, content creation, and automation to improve member engagement and retention. If you're interested in exploring how AI can benefit your organisation, consider integrating Keepme into your operations. For more information and resources, visit

By embracing AI, leisure operators can stay ahead of the competition, deliver personalised member experiences, and achieve long-term success. The future of leisure operations lies in leveraging advanced technologies to create smarter, more efficient systems that drive growth and member satisfaction. Keepme is at the forefront of this transformation, providing the tools and insights needed to thrive in our increasingly competitive landscape.